
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:26:50


Lively cheers games,Hsien-Hsiung Wei trade students.In this clear and crisp in November,we greet the autumn sunlight,along with the harvest season,ushered in a lively seventh wonderful school sports.
The Games,a total of 455 students in our school participated in 9 projects competition.Early in the morning,teachers and students arrived at the stadium,some of them arranged the venue,and some finishing garments,some are located sports equipment,too busy to track the original silent suddenly excited.
8:00 With the Games officially announced the beginning of each class followed by admission to the ranks of marching parade performances.At this point march suddenly sounded,one after another a class rank of neat formation,dance props set great strides in coming to the podium.Everyone in their bright clothes,smiling,hold our heads up,demonstrating the unique vitality of youth and vitality.The performances of these classes strengths and weaknesses,and some formation varied,and some clothing brightest,and some neat moves,and some arrangement was new,their graceful dance to attract everyone's attention.Props in the hands of these students can be described as great variety,variety.Some,and the dynamic music,holding a pair of chopsticks beating out the rhythm of sonorous; some flapping the ball like a cheerful bright wizard; some dress swayed,holding a dance fan,to draw a beautiful arc Road,and some Qiyuxuanang ,hand-held gun salute in the air emitted by colorful fireworks.Their performance to the entire stint of the many splendours of color games,like spring flowers,summer sunshine,with a cool autumn wind blow against our faces,so that the presence of teachers and students are all touched,and are all delighted.It is understood that the road parade costumes and props used in many of them are the students themselves to select and purchase,and they show the formation and movement are also explored and arrangement of their own.This is totally reflects the student's enthusiasm and longing for the Games,but also fully demonstrated their ability to act independently and strong organizational skills.
When the road team,after all the admission,what follows are Guangbo Cao game.Accompanied by "The times are calling" the melody,all the students and upright,full of energy,rhythm accuracy,movement in place effective.In their faces,we see the youth of the atmosphere,the value of youth,the vitality of youth,it seems to be in the new era calls a better future.
9:30 When the General Assembly proclaimed the sports officially began,the entire stadium suddenly boiling up and cheer sound come and go,an endless stream.Look at track and field athletes,one by one,such as correction of rabbit-like fly a starting point,like a lever for-like rush towards finish,attracted the presence of the audience excited.Regardless of whether the player won the first,they will get the audience praise and encouragement.Because in the hearts of the audience,these athletes have played out of an unyielding,tenacious spirit of sport,they are sporting heroes,trade schools,"Liu Xiang." The women's 800 meters and men's 1,500 m is a test of stamina and perseverance of the project players.Although it not as good as sprinter as exciting,exciting,but it definitely makes moving more than sprint.In the game,players have to face not only the physical test,but also the psychological test.Athletes participating in the project truly reflects the hard work,never admit defeat the spirit of the movement,it gives us the feeling of accomplishment than to be rich in many.
Look at that track and field athletes,but also everybody gearing up,not lying down.High jump,long jump athlete in order to get better results,fight every effort,even if the failure is not to give up.Goals and together they face a strong pace,jumped again and again.This ever go beyond the spirit of self-enormous personal wealth,but also in the future be able to go farther and higher solid foundation.The players participated in shot put competition,more investment and further and further away results.In their hands as if shot into a wish full of hope ball,constantly chasing their own dreams.
Competition has been extended to the afternoon,teachers and students did not diminish the enthusiasm high.Until the relay final gunshot,the current Games in the joint efforts of teachers and students,the successful completion of various events,smoothly lowered to a close.The Games,then the largest in history,a total of 9 projects generate winners,there is one person to break the school record,one who tied a school record,access to male and female groups,respectively 03F2 class championship courses and 04 international business 3 classes .After watching them win the smiling faces filled with happiness,I feel that students in the sporting spirit in the trade show was glance.
Sport is the building of spiritual civilization is an important component of national quality,people's spiritual outlook of the concentrated expression.Games is not only the level of inspection and school physical education and quality of student youth style shows,test the concrete practice of physical and psychological,but also the reform of school education and career development of a comprehensive stage for performances.It is a physical exercise,the activation of life,promote the personality and vigor,and gains the smiles and mental outlook.Games for all players at this tournament out of results,race out of style,carry forward the friendship first,competition second the spirit of the game looking for more glory and dreams,in the race to create more beautiful and brilliant.

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