
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 21:50:04
take,we,train,may,Beijing,the,to连词成句 为什么用‘沉鱼落雁’‘闭月羞花’来形容美女?古代四大美女为什么用‘沉鱼落雁’‘闭月羞花’这两个词形容?这两个词的真正含义是什么? 闭月羞花,沉鱼落雁中,闭月、羞花、沉鱼和落雁分别是形容古代的哪位美女 对划线部分提问:my uncle is doctor ----------my uncle is doctor doctor 划线 my uncle is a doctor.对a doctor 进行提问[ ] is [ ] uncle? my uncle is a doctor改为一般疑问句 uncle a doctor? My uncle is an animal doctor.同义句 太阳从地平线上升起来了,改为拟人句 太阳从地平线上升起来,照耀大地改成拟人句我不用了,但也可以回答, 太阳从山顶上升起来.(改为拟人句) "太阳从山顶上升起来"改成拟人句怎么改?把升字换成另一个动词 I don't want to travel by air.I want to travel by train.同义句转换,每空一词I ______ ______ take a train ______ a plane when I'm traveling. The air ticket is e----.I want to take a Please read the travel b----before you I want you to go there by train.(变同义句) Is this/that your uncle?怎么回答?是Yes,it is还是Yes,he is. 爱你一辈子,用英文怎么说 不想离开你,爱你一辈子英文怎么说 I spent an hour _____(finish)the work yesterday 沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花,分别指哪几个古代美女要有她们的简介最好. It (took me) one hour (to do) my home work yesterday evening为什么填to do和took me 那请问Is it that the gentleman is not your uncle?算是主语从句吧 "Beep,beep!"Your uncle is coming.That's his c__"Beep,beep!"Your uncle is coming.That's his c___. 如果地球没有磁场地球会怎么样 He m_____ his parentes very much when he was in Beijing. Do you like the little() in the bottle?When she was in England,she()her parents very much 形容靓女的词语形容中文系的女生应该用哪些词语? 什么国色词语()()国色 女人用沉鱼落雁形容男人用什么词语形容 当地震发生时 如果我们正在家里应该选择什么地方避震最好 用feel like翻译 请问be feel like doing 和 be feel adj.有什么区别呢? 形容喝醉的词语有哪些?记得有个叫什么ni ting大醉?