
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:21:14
had better not to do sth.还是别的结构?had better后面的动词怎么否定? 有had better not to do sth. follow your omn heart!A lost chance never 如题 今天考了四级,感觉很不好今天我们考了四级,但是我觉得真的很不好啊,作文就一张图,有些说有题目,但是我真没看到,就自己写了个,第一次四级考,不知道还有完成快速阅读,就很快写好答案,后 今天刚考完的四级,请知情人士帮忙算一下分,感觉过不了...快速阅读十个对了9个,听力二十五个对了18个,听力填词八个对5个,三个句子写得不是很完整,选词填空十个对5个,大阅读十个对3个,完 change our clothes oftrn 翻译 do you consider it better not to go?意思shi 生活如 的作文,要求排比段老师要我们写一篇作文,叫生活如: 要求排比段,速度发篇,急啊,有加分 do you consider it better( Anot going B not go C not having gone Dnot to go do you consider better___________?a.not doing it again b.not do it again c.not having done it ado you consider better___________?a.not doing it again b.not do it againc.not having done it again d.not to do it again该题选什么?consider doing:表 "not.in the slightest"用中文怎么翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 change his own idea 翻译 You`d better 是do还是to do?我知道had better do,would you please do...可you`d better是什么?you`d better是什么的缩写?2.关于反义疑问句I don`t think she is right,is she?(要对宾语从句进行反义提问)这句话什么意 "装清纯" 英语怎么说 库存和仓储的区别是什么? Some made such a word 装清纯用英语怎么说?希望能有个比较地道的表达方式 :) 鲜花、粮食、煤炭、服装应该储存在哪一类仓库?阐述理由急用 The original love such is injured no/one/another/some/many/all...+such+名词的意思和such...(that)的意思 ''清纯''英语怎么说 she sprinkles some sale one the pie_____the pie is salty .A,so B.and In some countries in western Europe,such as France,Belium and Brita缺词填空In some countries in western Europe,such as France,Belium and Britain,the countryside is c (1) Life has become difficult for many villages,and some d (2)There are you are wecome是什么意思 日本的风俗店不接待外国人吗?如果不接待的话,怎么判断来客是本国人还是外国人呢?需要客人出示证件吗?仅从外表和口音未必能判断出来吧?另外,也一定不接待未成年人吧?这也是通过什么判 2008年5月12日四川地震遇难的总人数是多少? “Life is like a play,Do not be too Seriously”这句话说的是什么意思? Life is like a Life is like a play, perform with their joysand sorrows什么意思?不知道是什么意思?哪位高手指点指点! Life is like drama.and drama is like life,many of the impermanence of life.是什么意思Life is like drama.and drama is like life,many of the impermanence of life.怎么翻译最合适.是“人生如戏”的意思吗