
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:47:40
英语翻译上下文是:Since past decisions play such an important role in our law,the tremendous growth and inclusiveness of court reports are quite understandable. 不管你是做什么的,你从哪里来,你都应该遵守我们国家的法律.(regardless of)用英语翻译 no translation:what are we alive for? what do people around you think of your study?Are you lazy?Do you work hard? 已知直线y= -1/2x+2与y轴交与A点,直线y=x-2与x轴交与点B,求经过A,B两点的直线的函数表达式 四年级儿童歌曲 环保童谣(四年级)要交差! 四年级童谣怎么写 四年级的童谣怎么写? sorry to hear to that ,wish you well sorry to hear to that ,wish you well soon 我的青春谁主 命题作文 我的青春谁做主有一集就看见.小样在绑人. 关于我的青春谁做主里面雷蕾在乐队唱的歌是什么? 怎样利用economist练习翻译 英语翻译在《Economist》网站上看到的:The share of patient spending has since fallen as the government began to address the problem (see chart) but the latest reform measures are part of an accelerated drive to overhaul the system.特别 在直角三角形A.B.C中角ABC=90度CD是AB边上的高AB=10cmBC=8cmAC=6cm(1)求三角形ABC的面积(2)求CD的长 我妹妹喜欢能跳舞的音乐的英文怎样写 关于推广普通话的童谣不是童谣 是资料 推普童谣怎么写 英语翻译:“1准备材料,相关工具和设备2检查上批产品是否完成,所需箱子是否正确,有关机械工作是否正常3 我希望他是快乐的 哪句是对的 I wish he happy I wish him happy .I wish him is happyWhy? I wish him a happy birthday.这段话有病吗?So clever girl!May be,you're right.I wish him a happy birthday… I find it good 那么I wish him happy,这句队吗, I wish ___him again,He is such a nice boyA I can seeB I could seeC can I seeD could I see 英语翻译句子是business,to receive credit for VAT paid on its inputs,must usually collect VAT on what it sells.求翻译,尤其是receive credit for If I go there,will I am able to understand them?这句话有问题么 “If you put your heart into it,there will be no difficulties.”为什么用 difficulties? 编童谣,要有趣的,要自己写的,快点!急!急! 急! 急! 谁回答的好我给他400分,只限今天 翻译自国外的表格还需要信效度检验吗? 翻译都需要哪些原料? 直角三角形ABC的面积为24平方厘米,直角边AB为6厘米,角A是锐角,则sinA=? Hey there,I will be really appreciated if someone could explain what does "dry humpping" means in in chinese.