
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 19:42:15
the red skirt doesn´t fit me very well .may i try on these blue( )the red skirt doesn´t fit me very well .may i try on these blue( )A pair Bpairs C one D ones 为你打开一扇门 门指什么?为什么要打开这扇门?怎样打开这扇门? 红10 蓝1 黄8 绿11是什么性格 老师是教会我们道理的什么人 National Day is an exciting festival.All the people are getting very excited that day 微信上如何写文章,如何发送. 你知道“笔”还有哪些趣称?例如:开始写作文叫“试笔”.不假思索、随手写出的文字叫“信笔”……试笔、信笔、神笔、改笔、属笔、拙笔、刀笔、仿笔、起笔、收笔、大手笔、把笔、曲 如何在微信上写文章 i went to Hainan with my family什么意思 替别人写文字叫做什么笔?有这几个选项: A 拙笔 B 败笔 C 妙笔 D 代笔 E 工笔帮帮忙啦! I think the skirt m____that blouse very well. my mother didn't think the new shoes (fit) me very well 鲁迅为什么会写文章? 鲁迅先生写文章写到很晚表现了他什么样的精神品质 LiMing's family are going to Suzhou by plane还是LiMing's family is going to Suzhou by plane.为什么 This skirt matches my shoes改为同义句,要7个单词 here is some _______(excited) news.this is the _________(three)floor.playing basketball is __________(easily) to learn .i enjoy ________(read) novels. Here Is The News 歌词 Here is the good news的意思 NObody but three students___in the classroom when I entered.A is B was C areD were 玻璃上什么东西可以在上面写字 带树字的成语有哪些 世界上最小的花是什么?如果可以的话,请附上图片,谢谢 拟人句要怎么写才好呢 给我三句你拟人句!随便的 be excited +什么介词?虽然我看到公式是说+about但是为什么有句例句是:He is excited at the good news?// be excited 后用什么介词? 求救:谁能帮助我分析 They got excited on hearing the good news这个句子的成份谢谢你们的回复! 谁有3句拟人句一定要拟人句,别的不行,句子也要好点的.拟人句就要有什么比做什么! 一日的春光中拟人句(3句) 魏忠贤太坏了居然让张裕妃和李成妃住冷宫,张裕妃还饿死了!魏忠贤还杀死了那么多志士,真是该死! 谁是魏忠贤