
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:09:25
Now that she is out of a job ,Lucy __going back to scool,but she hasn't decided yet .Ahad comsideredB has been condering C con sidered D is going to consider 为什么选B You may not like lucy,but you have to ____that she's good at her job.A.damage B.admit C.prove D.explain now that she is out of job,lucy___going back to school,but she hasn't decided yethad considered has been considering为什么 设等差数列{an},{bn}的前n项和分别是Sn,Tn,且Sn/Tn=7n+2/n+3求a7/b7有助于回答者给出准确的答案 两个等差数列{an}和{bn}的前n项和分别为Sn和Tn,若Sn/Tn=(7n+1)/(4n+27),则a7/b7= 设等差数列{an}与{bn}的前n项之和为Sn,S`n,Sn/S`n=7n+2/n+3,求a7/b7 等差数列{an}.{bn}的前n项和分别为Sn.Tn.若Sn/Tn=(2n+2)/(n+3),则a7/b7= 等差数列An与Bn的前n项和分别是Sn和Tn,Sn/Tn=(7n+3)/(n+3),求A7/B7 He's seldom late for school,_____?— No.He is used to going to school early.[ ] A.isn't he B.He's seldom late for school,ia he — No.He is used to going to school early.[ ]为什么用 is uesd to 改错I'm going to late for school 八年级数学下册平行四边形 W: Mike, wake up1 It is time to go to school. Hurry up or you’re going to be late!M: Don’t worry. I can sleep all day long. Did you forget today is Martin Luther King’s birthday?Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?上面放不下 这句话 平行四边形 现规定一种新运算:a※b=ab+a-b,则1※(-2)= 若两个等差数列{An}和{Bn}的前n项和分别是Sn、Tn,已知Sn/Tn=7n/(n+3),则a5/a6=这是高一的数列题、、、、、网上有差不多的,但不一样,请不要随便引用哦、 已知等差数列an中 a5=9 a2+a6=14 若bn=an+2∧n 求bn的前n项和sn 特殊的平行四边形 几何题如图,在△ABC中,D是BC边上的一点,E是AD的中点,过点A作BC的平行线交CE的延长线于点F,且AF=BD,连接BF.(1)求证:BD=CD;(2)如果AB=AC,试判断四边形AFBD的形状,并证明你的 任何一个系统,必须把它同所处的环境分开的"分界线",但这种界线往往是模糊. 帮忙做几个管理学原理的题啊 一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 50 分.)V 1.侧重研究领导者的个性特点对领导有效性的影响的理论是( ).A.领导性格理论B.领导权变理论C.领导环境理论D.领导行为 已知数列{an}为等差数列,Sn为其前n项和,且a1=10,s12=-125求数列{an}的通项公式an 已知数列(An)是等差数列,且a1=-1,S12=186,求数列(An)的通项公式.. 设等差数列{an}的前n项的和为Sn,a1=15,S4=S12,求Sn的最大值. 1.目标管理是以泰罗的“科学管理”学说和霍桑的“人际关系”学说为基础,综合发展而形成的一种科学管理方法.____A.正确B.错误满分:2 分2.甘特图(Gantt chart )是在20世纪初由____发明的.A.梅 管理学原理题目,求助 已知等差数列{an}的通项公式为an=22-3n 则当n= ,Sn取得最大值,最大值为? 简单的七年级上册五篇关于春节的英语作文(其他的也可以)谢谢啦! 两个春节(语文)作文和5个英语作文(初一上册水平)每个500字英语:50个单词左右 如果规定新运算△为a△b=a+b-ab,那么3△(4△5)的值为?A.25 B.24 C.35 D.2O 规定a*b=ab-1,试计算:(-2)*(-3)*(-4)的值 I can't find tom ,where is he?.he in the library?no,he's.there. I can't find tom ,where is he?.he in the library?no,he's.there.Does he____computer games? how can I get to the library 等于where is the library 还是is there the librery