
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 10:05:40
锐角三角形ABC a=2根号3 面积S=根号3/4(b^2+c^2-a^2)求(1)内角A (2)周长l的去值范围锐角三角形ABC,内角A B C所对边分别为a b c ,a=2根号3 面积S=根号3/4(b^2+c^2-a^2)求(1)内角A (2)周长l的去值范围我求出A=60度 锐角△ABC中,∠B=60°,AC=根号3,则△ABC的周长的取值范围是刚刚看了一个一样的问题。但是看不懂,能否详细……答案是、3+√3 ---the world expro will be held in chnia,english is more useful than beforesincthoughwhenif选哪个 Seraphim是什么意思 Seraphim 爱情公寓3诺澜与曾小贤什么关系 Seraphim家族是什么?如题 (The)Bright year. Seraphim是啥意思Seraphim 王华和李明为三八线的问题发生激烈的争吵,作为同学的你,该如何劝告他们俩个和好呢?口语交际:王华和李明为三八线的问题发生激烈的争吵,作为同学的你,该如何劝告他们俩个和好呢? bake与roast,boil与stew有什么区别 英语翻译饥谢"嗟来之食"的意思 △abc中,三边abc满足(a+b)(a-b)=c(c-b),且a=根号3,则该三角形周长的取值范围是 the judges gave 100 marks to the performance什么意思?there is one mistake in each sentence.underline the wrong subject pronouns and write the correct ones in the spaces交个朋友帮个忙 the little child gave all of us an performance(amaze)为什么 They gave----broadcast while the performance was in process----.A.live; on the stage B.alive; in the stage C.lively; on the stage D.living; in the stage the singer gave an acceptable performance,but it was not outstanding I enjoyed reading these books very much和I enjoy songs such as this one这里的第一句为什么加ed?要说明 陈胜吴广在发动起义时,采取了哪些具体行动步骤 英语翻译能否用汉语的思路, he _____(miss)his hometown so much since he is studying abroad he's back just from his hometown改错有一处错误 There is lots of news in the ()(世界)every day. can you tell me which part the customer needs replaced?语法有错吗? There _____(be) lots of news on TV every day. 截拳道的真正含义是什么 截拳道原本谁知道? 新概念英语磁带怎么没有偶数课 应该在哪里能下到 “凿壁借光”讲的是谁? 孔子的弟子中成为他女婿的是谁? 孔子女儿是谁 孔子的女儿的是谁叫啥名