
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:56:11
用首字母提示填写正确单词填空51.my dream is to be a p___.I hope I can fly a plance.52.Can you e____the sentence to me in chinese? 根据首字母填单词Though they are at the same age ,there are lots of differences b_____ them越快越好哦~ 英语翻译55 EL Mercado AveMonterey Park 英语翻译445 S.FIGUEROA STREET LOS ANGELESS,CA90071 形容某件事过了很久后仍清晰记得的词语最后成语或四字词 什么词语形容早已知道某件事 根据据以及首字母提示,用单词的适当形式填空.My fdireng Jack like c__ stamps and shells .They'll organize a pop concert to r___money for the poor children.You like skating so much. When did you get your first pair of s___.Sam,c 用一个词形容“以前的事一下子想起” 根据首字母选择单词的适当形式填空.求速度和准确.I'm ten years old and my sister is two years older than me,so she is t__ years old.Chinese people are very good at table t__,and it' s our favorite sport.Lingling is now reading book 当别人弄不清事情的道理时,你会告诉他什么(用诗句来表达) 找词语形容某些事件前两天CCTV1今日说法里面放的,老头的5个儿子死了4个,这时儿媳妇,有的回老家了,有的改嫁了.可以用夫妻本是同林鸟,大难临头各自飞.来形容,忽然想起还有一个4字成语也可 什么叫三代单传 我是不是三代单传呢?祖父有一兄弟,但祖父年幼丧父.祖父几岁就被远方陌生人收养,祖父改名换姓,该收养人有一个亲生儿子.我祖父只有一个儿子,父亲也只有一个儿子.我算不算三代单传? 请问:家庭中"单传"是什么意思呢?请问:家庭中有关子女的"单传"是什么意思呢? 英语单词记忆法要详细 1.In [ ] photo,I can see a trumpet and drum.A.one B.first C.the one D.the first 2.There are a lot of students in the classroom .Some are reading ,[ ]are writing.A.other B.the other C.others D.another.3.What's he doing He is waiting [ ]the bus stop .A There are going boating ( ) the river.A.in B.under C.in D.at 1.A fantail goldfish _____ about four kilos.A.weigh B.weighs C.weighes D.weight2.The fish are easy ________A.to look after them B.for looking after C.to look after D.for fooling after them3.The water in the tank ______ clean.A.should B.may C.have to ( )Mary often______on SundaysA.goes shopping B.go shopping C.go to shop D.goes to shopping( )If you want to______,you can go to the library.A.buy some food B.read books C.have dinner D.call your friends( )If you try to sit on two chairs,y 英语选择. 成语接龙:先声夺人——()——()——()——()——()——()——()——()——()——()——()——独具匠心——()——()——()——()——()——()——()——()——()粗制滥 先声夺人成语接龙--------( )-----------( )----------( )--------------(所向无敌) 越多越好,还要每一题的答案及为什么这么做 Is that your brother?回答A.No,it isn't B.No,he isn't 英语单项选择题.初一的 成语接龙心想事成—( )—( )—( )—( ) 《成语接龙》万众一心→心想事成→( )······往后要6个 成语接龙.心想事成后接6个 先声夺人后接6个 大失所望后接6个 有的直接 不错且快速的则直接采纳!3个全都要 方位介词用法 方位介词的用法都有哪些呢? 成语接龙:万众一心 心想事成 【 】 【 】 【 】 【 】 【 】 【 】 【 】 【 】 万众一心----心想事成---- 一马当先----先声夺人---- 发扬光大----大失所望---- 往后接八个