
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 01:16:48
给我一题化学反应速率的计算题, Can you tell me how can I tell you that I love more than life?的疑问有个歌词是Can you tell me how can I tell you that I love more than life.我想问用Can you tell me how I can tell you.行不行?就是can 跟 I 换个位置.语法上有没 飞机 升空原理(在线等)是升空,不是飞行是升空原理就是飞机的升空原理 高一三角函数图像问题由y=sinx的图像变到y=sin(wx+fai)的图像,是先左右平移|fai|个单位,再由w把横坐标缩短或伸长到原来的1/w倍吗?横坐标伸长或缩短的时候和fai有没有关系? 同样长的直线波浪线比较哪个长 Lucy likes eat Chinese food very much.哪里错了? 翻译:i like chinese food,such as sichuan food,hunan food and guangdong food very much, The Toms likes Chinese food very much.改错题,求此题答案及讲解. 设集合A={x|y=lg(x^2-3x)},B= {x|0 已知集合M={1,3},N={X方-3X should hello say you my friends to 连成一句话英语句子, 1.You should take(the right child ).2.you should say( hello ) to my friend.(对括号内提问)谢谢 急 again you say friends thanks my to连词成句 连词成句 emails/you/pen/a/should/friend/to/with/have/write want,I,friends,be,you,to,my(.) 连词成句 She likes eating tea very much.(否定句)She ____ ____ eating tea ____ ____. she liked eating good food.这里的eating good food.是状语还是动名词短语做宾语?怎么区别这些啊. 可以说She's eating food.She's eating.是不是比 She's eating food.好些?Why 求2011年杨浦区高三化学一模的答案,在线等~~~要杨浦区的~~~~~~在线等 求杨浦区2011年初三英语模拟练习TF题,不是和崇明县一起的Have you ever traveled by plane?What do you usually do when you wait for your plane?Amsterdam's (阿姆斯特丹) Schiphol Airport has just opened the world's first airport l 求初中语文的句子赏析技巧.麻烦亲们不要随意复制 就是度娘不到合适的我才会提问,就算复制也要有技术含量一点,感激不尽. 麻烦把下面这段英文的原文全文发上来,Parents and kids today dress alike,listen to the sam...麻烦把下面这段英文的原文全文发上来,Parents and kids today dress alike,listen to the same music,and are friends,is this a good A good book is the best of friends,the same today and forever.一本好书,相伴一生.这句话应该没语法错误吧?翻译也没翻错吧? 英语:A good book is the best of friends,www.fzlzone.com the same today and forever.是什么意思? 英语翻译语言要精练 已知函数f(x)和g(x)的图像关于原点对称且f(x)=x²+2x friends,the,going,museum,to,I'm,go,my,to,with英语连词成句 tea,is,with,Tim,having,his,in,friend,the,garden,连词成句 求指数函数y=a^|x|的图像 如何判断函数是否关于原点对称 如何判断某个函数的定义域是否关于原点对称 怎样判断函数是否关于原点对称最近血了函数的奇偶性判断前要先确定定义域然后再判断是否原点对称拿要怎么判断原点对称呢?