
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:13:54
much of the ant's time is spent on combing bits of dirt and debris off their bodies这句话哪里错了 __(many) of the time it is not green. 英语翻译The only way to break me is to kill me,and everything that does not kill me makes me stronger. i trust you ,so I\'ll have been this waiting. 翻译成中文什么意思? 英语问题The population of China is larger than ______ of the United States.The population of China is larger than ______ of the United States.A.oneB.those C.that D.these international business4 Two macro factors seem to underlie the trend toward greater globalization.The first is the decline in barriers to the free flow of goods,services,and capital that has occurred since the end of World War II.The second factor is international business.包括哪些 英语翻译Finally ,with regard to vertical FDI,both the market imperfectionsapproachand the strategic behavior approach have some useful implications for business practice .the strategic behavior approach points out that vertical FDI may be a way o you have to wait until the soup becomes cold时态叫不准,还有所有跟 if 有关的时态问题 The library needs ______,but it'll have______until Sunday A.to clean;to wait B.to clean;waiting ...The library needs ______,but it'll have______until SundayA.to clean;to wait B.to clean;waiting C.cleaning;to wait D.cleaning;waiting为什么后面用t Don't wait until your()asks you during the()if you have any questions.Is there any()who is suitable for this job?在括号内分别填上interview,interviewer,interviewee the sitting-room needs( ),but it'll have to wait until saturdayA be cleaningB be cleanedC cleanD cleaning说明下原因啊、、、 “短”字的左边部分怎么读? 为什么That's really nice ( )you里面加of?不可以加上to 或者for吗? It's really nice of 如题 That's really nice ( )you .括号里填介词 It is really nice (of) you,it is important (for) you to do that.请接合这句话,讲解一下(of)和(for)的用法 business administration具体学些什么同上. international business是什么意思? 1、 You have forgotten ______your home,that's very dangerous.A:to lock B:locking C:to open D “I’m visiting your website which it is very friendly.”求高手译~这是什么从句,表述是否正确~谢谢!谢谢大家!因为答案很接近很难选择,都分别加赞同了。谢谢,辛苦了.我觉得应该采纳第一个发表 I have a teacher very friendly这句话对不对?如果对,very friendly是teacher的补语吗? In Russia you have to match your drink with that of your host if you want to be friendly.怎么翻译 怎样快速牢记英语单词? It is nice of you to do that. 促品质 勇创新 重服务 塑品牌 英语怎么说如题.希望可以对仗工整.一楼的同学 constantly 可以换成constant吗?另外勇创新 用brave行吗 中译英 质量铸就品牌,信誉成就未来请翻译“质量铸就品牌,信誉成就未来”.要求对仗、工整、押韵、上口、易记、有文采.能不用大词(big word)的尽量不要用.要符合英语的习惯,不要Chinglish. 请帮忙把这句话“诚信铸就品牌,品质赢得天下.”翻译成英文,要求像中文一样简单押韵,用来做公司标语. 翻译成中文怎么说?communication and business study (英国利物浦大学的一个系) 实力铸造品牌.品质成就未来 翻译英文 请教英文高人Business Communication assignment请大家帮我写写吧 准确率高点啦 拜托了 追加300分哦 谢谢PART{a}This assignment requires you to;*choose a business from any industry in New Zealand which employs staff.*prepare an Why should study Business English